Rock Star Epsom Bath Salts


Rock Star is the wild side of vanilla embracing succulent, ripe strawberries and the delicate florals of violets and jasmine. This is a dupe of Rock Star by Lush

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Epsom Salt, Fragrance, Polysorbate 20, <Colorant>

Additional information

Weight 8.5 oz

1000 Kisses, Barber Shoppe, Blackberry Bordeaux, Bombshell, Chardonnay Wine, Cobalt Beach Glass, Egyptian Musk, Eucalyptus Spearmint, Green Tea and Cucumber, Heavenly, Lannister Cabarnet, Lavender, Lavender Martini, Lord of Misrule, Merlot Wine, Ode de Rose, Olive Branch, Persephone's Kiss, Rock Star, Rose Jam, Salt Water Mermaid, Sea Salt and Orchid, Strawberry Patch, Sultana, Supernova, Tranquil Sleep, Vanilla Noir, Warm Vanilla Sugar


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